Jun 20, 2012
Showtime: Wednesday, June 20th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET Dallas and Melissa Hartwig, creators of the popular site www.Whole9Life.com join Dr. Lo to discuss their brand new book It Starts With Food. You will learn how what you put on your plate affects virtually every aspect of your body. We'll discuss the effect your...
Jun 13, 2012
Showtime: Tues, June 12th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET "Substance abuse has become our number one public health problem." - Addiction: The Hidden Epidemic by Pam Killeen Pam Killeen, author, health educator, and nutrition consultant joins us to discuss common sense solutions for our #1 health problem - addiction. It seems as...
Jun 6, 2012
Showtime: Tues, June 5th, 6pm PT / 9pm ET It's estimated that 1 in 50 Americans have Fibromyalgia. That's 5 million Americans! For those who suffer from this condition, it can be quite debilitating, with symptoms like fatigue, intense muscle and nerve pain, digestive disturbances and more. Did you know that the...